When the lights were turned out each night in my bedroom, my mom would turn on my Blessed Mother night light. The warm glow of light from our Blessed Mother was comforting in the darkness.
When the lights are turned out each night in the chapel, the light on the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is kept on as we sing a Marian hymn, reminding me of the warm glow of my night light as a child and the comforting presence of Mary.
When the lights are turned out each night and the sun sets, the light of the moon shines softly in the dark sky. Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, our Blessed Mother reflects the light of her Son Jesus.
When the lights were turned out and darkness covered the earth as Jesus hung upon the cross, His Mother stood beneath the cross with the light of faith in her heart. During Jesus’ crucifixion, as He hung upon the cross suffocating, He spoke a few times. Each of these words, recorded in Scripture, carries a depth of meaning worth pondering. One of the words Jesus spoke was, “Behold your Mother.” In those words spoken to John, Jesus gave a gift to His beloved disciple and to each one of us. He gave us the precious gift of His Mother to be our Mother, too.
When the lights are turned out, Mary is our night light bringing comfort in the darkness. She continuously reflects the light of her Son. Jesus knows what the entire world needs in the midst of the suffering of this pandemic and offers again the gift of His Mother. We all need a mother—one who comforts us, who holds us and brings us peace. The Church provides the powerful and life-changing traditional devotion of Marian consecration as a means of opening our hearts to receive the gift of Mary as our own Mother. St. Louis de Montfort claims that this devotion is the “surest, easiest, shortest and most perfect way to holiness.” When we place our entire selves into Mary’s hands through this consecration, Mary carries us right to her Son. After I first made my consecration to Mary in college, our Blessed Mother gently and lovingly led me into a deeper relationship with Jesus, and I found in Him what my heart was longing for.
The great news is that our Blessed Mother is already holding each of us in her hands. Last week, on Friday, May 1, Archbishop Gomez, the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, prayed on behalf of the United States to renew the consecration of the entire country to the Blessed Mother. Canada and Italy joined in the consecration, and each of our sisters did, too. I invite you to join in the consecration in a personal way or to renew the consecration you’ve already made. Let us receive the gift of our Mother, who waits for us, and offer her the gift of ourselves. What better gift can we give to Mary for Mother’s Day?
Sr. Mae, CFR
Consecration Prayer
O Mary my queen and my Mother, I give myself entirely to you, and to show my devotion to you, I consecrate to you this day, my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my whole being without reserve. Wherefore, good Mother, as I am your own, keep me and guard me as your property and possession. Amen.