Our Life
Daily Schedule
6:00 AM Office of Readings
6:20 AM Meditation (Personal Prayer)
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
7:45 AM Mass
8:30 AM Breakfast
Followed by Work, Instruction or Apostolate
12:00 PM Midday Prayer & Lunch
Followed by Work, Instruction or Apostolate
5:00 PM Holy Hour with Evening Prayer
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Free Time, Study or Apostolate
8:40 PM Rosary & Night Prayer
The three pillars of religious life are prayer, community, and apostolate. Prayer maintains the loving union between the religious sister and the Lord. Community is the school of love in which the sister puts love into action. The apostolate is the fruit of this love poured out for others. As CFR sisters our prayer life is a heart to heart communion. It is liturgical, contemplative, Eucharistic, and Marian. Our apostolates are simple hands-on work with the poor and evangelization.