Please visit our convent pages
to view convent specific dates.
We joyfully announce the results of our
1st General Chapter of Elections
April 4, 2024
General Servant Mother Francis O'Donnell, CFR
General Vicar/1st Councilor Sr. Agnes Holtz, CFR
2nd Councilor Sr. Ann Kateri Hamm, CFR
3rd Councilor Sr. Mary Pieta Geier, CFR
Convent Addresses
​Convent of San Damiano
1661 Haight Ave.
Bronx, NY 10461
Motherhouse & Novitiate
Our Lady Queen of Angels Convent
232 E. 113th Street
New York, NY 10029
Postulancy & Apostolic House
St. Michael Convent
10 N. Mississippi Ave.
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
St. Clare Convent
19 Neville Road
Osmondthorpe, Leeds
LS9 0HD U.K.
(+44) 113-235-0573
St. Anthony Convent
Dublin Road
Drogheda, Co. Louth
Ireland A92 XO44
(+353) 41-98-30-441
CFR Sisters Continue to Bear Good Fruit After 30 Years
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Four CFR Sisters Make Final Vows
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Life on the Rock | Sr. Clare Matthiass