The first time I stood on the sidewalk ready to speak to and counsel women going into an abortion clinic, a priest asked me, “Are you ready with the prayer, ‘God, I am nothing, You are everything?’” He was encouraging me to be open and trust that God would be at work in any encounters I had. I often think of his question and am humbled as it reminds me of Jesus’ words, “Without Me you can do nothing,” (John 15:5). So often in pro-life ministry, I can worry about my lack of qualification, knowledge, or confidence. I wonder, “How will I know the right thing to say to a woman struggling in her pregnancy or to someone strongly advocating for abortion?” Jesus said, “Do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say. You will be given at that moment what you are to say. For it will not be you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you” (Matthew 10:19-20). This has made me reflect on the importance of prayer in all of our pro-life ministry, for it is in prayer that I hear the Father speaking. It is the most powerful weapon in the battle for life and an essential preparation for ministry.

Pope St. John Paul II wrote regarding the Church’s missionary activity, “The Kingdom will grow insofar as every person learns to turn to God in the intimacy of prayer as to a Father and strives to do His will.” I am struck that surely the culture of life will grow as we each turn to our Father in prayer. I’ve experienced that the time I spend praying for the protection of life forms my own heart and gives me a deeper pro-life perspective. As I spend time in prayer, I become familiar with God’s heart and His love for each one of His children. I see the value He has given each life, the mercy, forgiveness, and healing that He wants to shower on those who are hurting, and the help He wants to provide in every circumstance. As I pray for the protection of my brothers and sisters, my love for them grows. As I pray for the grace and support that each mother is in need of, my admiration for and readiness to accompany her grows. As I pray for the conversion of advocates of abortion and euthanasia, my compassion and desire to speak the truth to them grows. As I pray for the Holy Spirit to lead me in my encounters and conversations, my expectation and attentiveness to His
promptings grows.

So many people experience the pro-life movement as joyful and attractive. I think this is because it manifests the love of God who created each soul with immeasurable dignity. To be pro-life is not a passive stance, it is a participation in God’s own work of making known to the world His infinite love for every soul at every moment in every circumstance. He is at work through a vast variety of pro-life ministries and through men and women dedicated to prayer. I am so grateful to all who tirelessly work to build the culture of life, not without heartbreaks and persecution. In all our efforts for the defense of life may we be united in prayer, seeking to become more familiar with the Father’s heart, so that in all our interactions we may radiate His love and promote the culture of life.
Sr. Solanus, CFR