It is an obvious fact that Mother Lucille is on our minds and hearts and very much in our prayers at this time. So it was not a surprise to me when the response to the psalm at Mass the other day made me think of her right away: “The Lord fills the earth with His love.”
Upon further reflection, I was just so taken by the beauty of this reality and the many ways that Mother Lucille has helped to fill my life, so many other people’s lives, and truly the whole earth with the Lord’s love.
In the beautiful film on women’s religious life, “For Love Alone,” there is a powerful line spoken by a priest who is describing the gift of religious sisters. He says, “The Church exists to be the love of Christ in the world. That’s what sisters do, that’s who they are – they love.” This is what Mother Lucille has been for each of us who have been blessed to know her, and for countless others who have been blessed by her prayers and love without ever having met her.

May the Lord’s love surround her now, and may she receive the eternal reward that awaits those who love Him so ardently and faithfully, and who fill the earth with His love.
Sr. Kelly Francis, CFR