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Blessed Solanus Casey Convent

On August 6th, 2019, the Feast of the Transfiguration, we moved into the rectory located next door to Our Lady Queen of Angels Convent in East Harlem.   Blessed Solanus Casey Convent is dedicated primarily to the work of initial formation.  On September 29, 2019, we had the joy of receiving six new candidates – they were the first “class” to reside at our new house of formation.  

After a discernment process including “Come and See” visits and the application process, when a woman enters our community, she begins the journey of religious

life as a postulant, living with the sisters and learning our life.  The postulancy lasts anywhere from ten to eighteen months.  If it is discerned that the Lord is indeed calling her to a closer following of Himself within our community, investiture (receiving the holy habit) is the next milestone, and the woman, newly invested and having received a new name, begins her formation as a novice. After investiture she moves to the Convent of San Damiano as her formation continues.  

Our new formation house is so named because in the 1920’s Blessed Solanus Casey, OFM Cap., resided in this very building!  Blessed Solanus was famous for his humility and simplicity, as well as for the numerous miracles wrought through his intercession. Gratitude was a hallmark of Blessed Solanus’ spirituality.  And we thank God for this new convent and for the postulants who reside here!

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Blessed Solanus Casey 


226 East 113 Street

New York, NY 10029 







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