In Silence, In quiet
In almost obscurity
There You are.
Content to be small, seemingly insignificant
Hidden from unperceptive souls
There You remain.
So often forgotten…left alone
Rejected and despised
Here with us You stay.
Patiently waiting for a glance of the heart
Exposed and vulnerable all for love
And yet…
To the one who sees…
Divinity veiled in humility
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords
To the one who hears…
Words of everlasting life
A melody of love beyond all telling
To the one who tastes…
Healing, Mercy
To the one who smells…
A fragrance of love
too sweet for words.
God, you are with us.
You are truly with us.
Open our eyes, to see what is not seen
Open our ears, to hear what is not heard
To taste, to touch, to smell this presence of Yours
To Faith, open wide the doors!
~Sr. Emmanuel Fiat, CFR