Do you hear Mercy
calling you,
beckoning you,
summoning you?
Will you rise and go,
Will you draw near,
Will you stay close?
Heed His voice with all your heart:
“When I am lifted up, I will
draw all to Myself.”
Lean your head upon the Cross, brave one,
Mercy wants to share a secret with you.
A secret only intimates can understand.
Lean in to hear Love’s language,
The language of the Cross:
“This is my Body, which is
given up for you.”
Will you stay long enough, brave one,
Long enough to learn Love’s language?
Mercy wants to share a secret with you.
A secret only intimates can understand:
“This is my Blood, which is
poured out for you.”
Lean your heart upon the Cross, brave one,
Lean in to live Love’s language,
The language of true love-
The language of the Cross.
Sr. Catherine Mary, CFR